Create A Positive Environment

In order to pursue your passion, it can really help to develop a positive environment around you. In particular, get rid of drains, things that suck the life out of you.

That could mean removing certain people from your life, leaving jobs that take everything from you and give nothing in return, or moving into a different living arrangement that doesn't constantly cause you stress.

Now, that's not to say that everything has to be perfect before you start on your journey, but it definitely helps to get rid of as many negative things as possible. I've seen people completely drained after a long day and they have nothing left to give to their passions. What are the chances that whatever strength they are able to muster will allow them to build anything more than a small hobby?

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What if I don't have a passion?

"What if I don't have a passion?" 

Has the thought ever occurred to you that you may not have a passion?  That you might be one of the few people in the world that after months/years of searching, there just may not be something you'd be happy to devote your life to?

The thought crossed my mind during my search. It didn't last long since I came to this realization from my discussion with others:

If I can't find a passion, it's because I haven't tried enough new activities.

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Ryan BonapartePassion, Search
5 Steps to Inserting Passion in Your Work

If you've come across any of the blogs, articles, books, and speeches about finding your passion, you've certainly heard the advice to quit your job and follow your passion

While that's great for some, as so many people really don't like their jobs, I think there are plenty of people out there who would benefit from just finding what they're passionate about, and then seeing if there is something in their job responsibilities that will fill that need.

Additionally, what you may find is that while your passion may not lie with your current position, branching out into another department or moving to another company might be all it takes for you to love what you do. 

In essence you want to find passion in what you are already doing. 

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Don't Miss the Sunset

Every day there is a sunset. Depending on where you live and the weather, on most days you could probably see at least a part of it.  And yet most of us don't take the time to make it a priority.

We've got things to do, people to see, a world to change. And that's great. No one ever changed the world by sitting on a bench and watching the sunset everyday. 

But that doesn't mean that we should never watch the sunset.

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