If You Can't Answer These Questions About Your Passion, You're Not Passionate About It

Do you have a passion?

I think a lot of people think they do. They might say, "Oh I'm super passionate about this." But when you dig a little deeper, you start to see that passion isn't quite the word you would use to describe what they feel or what they say.

Passion has many definitions, and I won't say that one is better than another. But I will assert that if they can't answer you when you ask the following questions...they're just not that passionate about it.

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Ryan BonapartePassion
You Are Capable

Fear is a powerful emotion. It's something that can motivate you or paralyze you. Just like in the real world where fear of danger cause a physiological response, fear that's purely based on your thoughts can keep you in a state of inaction.

But not everything is that holds you back is based around fear. Sometimes, it's a much more nuanced emotion.

Sometimes it's about not feeling capable. Sometimes it's about feeling like you're an imposter, waiting to be found out. Sometimes it's about feeling inadequate.

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How I Use My Time Effectively To Work My Passions And Achieve My Goals

For those who know me, I'm always working on at least three things, if not more. Currently, I'm working full time as a strategy consultant, painting two websites (this one and TheNewTutor.com), finishing up the second edition of Crazy Enough To Try (surprise!), and a host of other smaller activities.

I'm also trying to fit in time for fun, spending time with my girlfriend, family and friendships, and continuously learning. So the questions is, how do I do it?

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When Have You Done Enough With Your Passions?

It's no secret: when you're working your passion, you're going to get consumed. There's always going to be one more thing to do, one more word to write, one more calculation to make, one more person to connect with. In all honesty, it's never going to end.

So how do you do decide when to call it quits for the day? When have you done enough to feel that you've accomplished what you are meant to do?

I have this same problem, so here are the ways that I know that I can take a break and do others things (eat, sleep, etc.)

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Conversations on Passion: Dr. Karl Reid

I've known Dr. Karl Reid for many years, beginning when I started at MIT and he served as my first academic advisor. Since then, I've watched him grow and change others in ways that I can only hope to do one day. From continuing on to receive his Ed.D. in education while heading the Office of Minority Education at MIT, to affecting change on a national scale in the education system for minorities, Karl has been incredibly passionate about helping others and a true mentor to me. I'm very humbled that we were able to sit down a few months ago and discuss his thoughts on passion and his path that led him to where he is today.

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Launching TheNewTutor.com

In my last post I mentioned that I was working on something that I was really excited to share with you all once it was ready. Well, it's ready!

This week I launched a new website, The New Tutor (TheNewTutor.com)!

This site is dedicated to helping people learn how to get started and excel in private tutoring.

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Ryan Bonaparte
If You're Not Passionate, You're Missing Out

"New Year, New Me!"

A lot of people, myself included, like to take the time during the beginning of the new year to reflect on life and our choices for the next 365 days. I'm not big on resolutions, but if there's ever a good time to start working towards a new goal, now seems as good a time as any.

In addition to holiday fun and travel, I've had the chance to work on some really fun projects that I'll be sharing here shortly (almost done, but not quite). During that time, it became even more clear to me that if you're not passionate about what you're working on, you're missing out.

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The Gift of Passion

This part of the year is often filled with a flurry of activity.

The past few weeks have included finishing up projects at work, cooking and holiday parties, shopping for gifts, all on top of the normal day to day chores. My guess is that it's been the same for you as well.

One of the things about getting caught up in all of the holiday spirit, is that we often forget to leave a little time for ourselves. Time to think about what we want today, tomorrow, and for the foreseeable future.

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Ryan BonapartePassion
What to Do When You Doubt Your Passion

Most times when people think of passion, it’s as this all encompassing force that burns you, consumes you from the inside, forcing you to do something about it. While this is often true, passion alone will only carry you so far in working your passion.

There will be times in the course of pursuing your passion where people will find ways to hold you back. It could be as simple as them doubting your dreams, or as vicious as actively sabotaging your efforts. You’d be surprised at how threatened some people will be by you working your passion.

However, most often it will come from within you, where your own little voice in your head will tell you that you’re not making the progress you set out to.

What do you do then?

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Ryan BonapartePassion, Doubt
Get Going and Do Something!

I'm always advocating for people to "do something". If you have a goal in mind, get started. I can't tell you how many people I've met who have dreams and aspirations of things they want to get done, and yet never seem to gain much ground on them. 

People get caught up in the planning stage. In the "I need to know everything first" stage. Most people will tell you from experience that your plans will immediately be rearranged. No amount of planning will prepare you for the real deal.

While I don't advocate for just jumping into something without giving it a second though, waiting forever won't do much for you either.

At some point you need to stop adding to your list of "I should do this" and start adding to the "I did this" list.

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Ryan BonapartePassion, Action, Goals